Veille scientifique en traumatologie

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ÉVÉNEMENTS (mars 2023)


Brain Injury Canada Conference
17-18 mai 2023, en ligne

17th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM)
4-8 juin 2023
Carthagène, Colombie

Canadian Concussion Network/CCN-RCC
15-16 juin 2023
Calgary, Alberta

ICTBI 2023: International Conference on Trauma and Brain Injury
19-20 juin 2023
Toronto, Canada


(Faites-nous part de vos nouveautés, bons coups, et projets en cours. Il nous fera plaisir de les partager avec le réseau!)

Colloque TCC léger chez l’adulte : Meilleures pratiques d’intervention chez la personne adulte aux prises avec un traumatisme craniocérébral léger (TCCL).

Cet événement est organisé par la direction adjointe du continuum en déficience physique et l’Institut universitaire sur la réadaptation en déficience physique de Montréal (IURDPM) du CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l'Île-de-Montréal (CCSMTL). Il se tiendra le 17 février 2023, en webdiffusion.

En savoir plus

ÉVÉNEMENTS (février 2023)

22nd European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ECTES)
From Science to Practice: From Colleagues to Friends
7-9 mai 2023
Ljubljana, Slovénie

ABA 2023. American Burn Association Annual Meeting
16-19 mai 2023
Dallas, Texas

SAEM23. Society of Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting
16-19 mai 2023
Austin, Texas

CAEP 2023 Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians
28-31 mai 2023
Toronto, Ontario

22nd International Conference on Emergency Medecine (ICEM)
13-16 juin 2023
Amsterdam, Pays-Bas

The 13th Annual Traumatic Brain Injury Conference
19-20 juin 2023
Washington, DC

Neurotrauma 2023
25-28 juin 2022
Austin, Texas

Articles divers (février 2023)



Comparison of trauma care structures, processes and outcomes between the English National Health Service and Quebec, Canada
Bouderba, S., et coll., 2023 janv.



An analysis of injured patients treated at level 1 trauma centers versus other centers: A scoping review
Matthews, L., et coll., 2023 avr.

Developing a trauma intermediate care unit
Krause, M.A., et coll., 2023 janv.

Factors associated with longer wait times, admission and reattendances in older patients attending emergency departments: an analysis of linked healthcare data
Maynou, L., et coll., 2022 déc.

Perspective: the top 11 priorities to improve trauma outcomes, from system to patient level
Reade, M.C., et coll., 2022 déc.

Research priority setting in emergency care: A scoping review
Crilly, J., et coll., 2022 déc.

Risk factors and mortality associated with undertriage after major trauma in a physician-led prehospital system: a retrospective multicentre cohort study
Benhamed, A., et coll., 2022 déc.

Structured approach with primary and secondary survey for major trauma care: an overview of reviews
Gianola, S., et coll., 2023 janv.



Determining the top research priorities in UK prehospital critical care: a modified Delphi study 
Ramage, L., et coll., 2022 déc.

Treatment of pediatric patients with traumatic brain injury by Dutch Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS)
Oude, M., et coll., 2022 déc.



Measuring the impact of a “Virtual Pediatric Trauma Center” (VPTC) model of care using telemedicine for acutely injured children versus the standard of care: study protocol for a prospective stepped-wedge trial
Marcin, J.P., et coll., 2022 déc.



Computed tomography lesions and their association with global outcome in young people with mild traumatic brain injury
Riemann, L., et coll., 2022 déc.

Effectiveness of exercise in improving quality of life in patients with traumatic brain injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Chang, C.W., et coll., 2023 janv.



Trends in the use of corticosteroids in the management of acute spinal cord injury in North American Clinical Trials Networks (NACTN) sites
Hejrati, N., et coll., 2023 janv.

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