Reablement for Seniors Experiencing Loss of Autonomy

03-31-2015 | Modes d'intervention en santé, Personnes âgées

Québec is the second place in the world, after Japan, with the fastest aging population. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there is a real risk of an explosion of long-term care needs. New practices in homecare services must be considered in order to address these changes. Some countries have implemented a new approach called reablement, which is interesting for its cost saving potential while while meeting the wishes of the people to age at home. The objective is to increase autonomy and prevent or delay the loss of capacity.

The Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) produced this notice after assessing the relevance of implementing reablement in homecare services in Québec by answering the three following questions:

  1. Is reablement an effective strategy for seniors experiencing loss of autonomy?
  2. What are the main characteristics of reablement in countries where it is already implemented?
  3. What are the possible implications, for Québec, of integrating reablement in its homecare services for people experiencing loss of autonomy?

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