Effects of assistance dogs and companion animals on persons with autism spectrum disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder

08-27-2019 | Déficiences physiques, intellectuelles et TSA, Santé mentale

Assistance dogs are dogs that have been specially trained to carry out various tasks intended to mitigate the effects of a disability or disorder. Various programs exist in Québec to reimburse some of the costs related to the use of an assistance dog. However, the relevance of such a program for persons with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) still needs to be clarified.

INESSS carried out a review of the scientific literature and noted many positive effects as well as several negative effects associated with the presence of assistance dogs or companion animals on persons with ASD or PTSD and their families.

Overall, the benefits of assistance dogs are better documented that those of companion animals. Other studies and consultations with various stakeholders would help to stimulate a reflection on the applicability and acceptability of assistance dogs for users and their families, for clinical practice environments and for society in general.


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