Project Outline
Project Outline
For nearly a decade, Québec has been involved in a number of transformations aimed at improving the care and services provided in the primary care sector. Responding to the needs in this area expressed by health professionals, INESSS has developed quality indicators for the management of certain chronic diseases: cardiovascular diseases (hypertension and stable angina), type 1 and type 2 diabetes in adults, the treatment of dyslipidemia in two types of clienteles, and respiratory diseases (COPD and asthma).
The approach promoted by INESSS was both scientific and deliberative and took into account the wishes and concerns of patients, professionals and primary care managers alike. This work led to the development of 164 indicators that are grounded in, and supported by, strong evidence-based data, the relevance attributed by the users and professionals consulted, and the challenges associated with measuring these indicators in the Quebec information environment. INESSS notes that the resources and expertise needed to successfully carry out a quality indicator deployment project exist already. Moreover, the network key players have shown an interest in integrating quality indicators to support clinical practices.
For ease of use, the notice sets out certain principles and possible avenues of action that could guide the implementation of such indicators. Moreover, the indicators are available in the form of a database for easier consultation.
Marie-Dominique Beaulieu, directrice scientifique – Soutien aux pratiques de première ligne
Brigitte Côté, chercheure-consultante
Claudio Del Grande, chercheur-consultant
Monia Ghorbel, chercheure-consultante
Suzette Poliquin, chargée de projet
Marie-Pascale Pomey, conseillère
Éric Tremblay, conseiller scientifique – pharmacoépidémiologie
Phuong Hua, chercheure-consultante