External Evaluation of Cancer Care Organization and Delivery

12-21-2010 | Cancérologie

Review of experiences relevant to the evaluation and designation process for institutions and interdisciplinary teams involved in cancer control
After examining the external evaluation mechanisms applicable to oncology care and services in different countries (United States, England, Australia, France, Canada) and Canadian provinces (British Columbia, Ontario and Québec), it was clear that Québec’s cancer control evaluation and designation process needed be maintained. The process has been an effective tool in promoting organizational change and strengthening the development of the Québec cancer control program (Programme québécois de lutte contre le cancer). Given the scope of the changes still required and the lack of alternative mechanisms for establishing regional networks across the entire province, it is prudent to maintain the current evaluation and designation process, updating and improving it with time.

AETMIS believes that the Direction de la lutte contre le cancer should have an open dialogue with the Conseil québécois d’agrément and Accreditation Canada, to learn how to most effectively employ their accreditation programs. It also feels that the evaluation and designation process should be directed toward the assessment of clinical practices, in order to best contribute to improving service quality for those affected by cancer.


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