Comment on a drug product

Consultation process for drugs to be evaluated by the INESSS


The INESSS invites citizens, patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals, as well as their associations and groups, to take part in the consultation on drugs that will be the subject of a scientific evaluation.

The purpose of this consultation is to gather information and issues arising from participants' specific knowledge or experience of a particular product, as part of the evaluation process for listing drugs.

It is important to note that the information presented to the INESSS must be of a public nature. In fact, certain information resulting from the consultation could be included in the recommendation made to the Minister of Health and Social Services by the INESSS. Ultimately, this recommendation will become public.

The consultation period begins four weeks before the date targeted by the manufacturer for the submission of its evaluation application. It lasts a total of seven weeks. Contributions from individuals or groups must be forwarded to the INESSS before the end of the consultation period for each drug.

To ensure objectivity and credibility, the INESSS requests that all participants in this consultation declare their conflicts of interest. It is important to specify that a conflict of interest arises when a person finds himself/herself in a situation where, objectively, his/her judgment as part of a function is likely to be or appear to be influenced by other considerations, whether of a personal or financial nature, or related to his/her professional activities. A conflict of interest may be real, potential, or apparent. Organizations may also have financial or reputational interests that conflict with their mission or mandate.

Examples of conflicts of interest include: personal benefits received from a manufacturer or organization with an interest in the INESSS evaluation (donations, gifts, promotional items, travel, services, shares, stock options, etc.); activities funded by a manufacturer or organization with an interest in the INESSS evaluation (research or educational grants, consulting fees, conference participation or organization, committee, salary, etc.); personal or business affiliations, or relationships with a manufacturer or other interest groups. Associations and groups must list the names of all companies or organizations that have provided resources (financial, human, material, or other services such as consulting, communication, representation, research, etc.).

Where appropriate, we would like to point out that participants' statements will not be used to reject the information gathered during the consultation.

Whenever possible, the INESSS would like comments to be accompanied by supporting references.

Terms and Conditions

Patients and caregivers, as well as their associations or groups: The INESSS prefers to use one of the two questionnaires provided. These questionnaires present the possible repercussions of a drug on an individual's condition (e.g., impact of the disease, experience with currently available treatments, experience with the drug targeted for consultation). For more information, please consult one of the questionnaires.

The completed questionnaire can be e-mailed to:

Any interested individual or group, including healthcare professionals: The INESSS also offers the possibility of forwarding your comments, opinions, or observations on a drug covered by the consultation by e-mail to the following address: or by sending a letter to the above address.

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