RebinynTM (nonacog beta pegol) – Type B Hemophilia (re-evaluation)

11-11-2021 | Produits du système du sang

Sondage - Qu’avez-vous pensé de l’Avis : Rebinyn

To meet the needs of the Québec Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS), INESSS has developed an evaluation process for blood products with a view to their addition or refusal of their addition to Québec’s list of approved blood products (Liste des produits du système du sang du Québec).

In light of the available data, INESSS recommends that RebinynTM (nonacog beta pegol) be added to the Liste des produits du système du sang du Québec. It is, however, noted that from a distributive justice perspective, the reimbursement of nonacog beta pegol for the requested indication would constitute a responsible, fair and equitable decision if the cost of using nonacog beta pegol does not exceed that of extended half-life FIX during the next call for tenders.


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