Lung cancer: Investigation, treatment and follow-up algorithms

08-08-2014 | Cancérologie

The Groupe d’étude en oncologie du Québec (GEOQ) and the Comité de l’évolution des pratiques en oncologie (CEPO) of the Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) teamed up to develop an interactive tool that will facilitate the management of lung cancer patients. The tool was developed with the support of the Direction québécoise de cancérologie (DQC) of the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS).

This innovative tool, written by Gino Boily, Jim Boulanger, Stéphanie Goulet and Marie-Christine Paquin, includes lung cancer investigation, treatment and follow-up algorithms that reflect both the best available evidence and clinical practice in Québec (expert consensus). Nearly 50 Québec oncology experts specializing in the investigation and treatment of lung cancer took part in a meeting for the purpose of answering more than 140 questions concerning specific topics. A review of the scientific literature was then carried out for each question. The algorithms were written by the CEPO’s methodologists using the answers to the questions and literature data. The document was validated and revised by the Consensus Day Organizing Committee, the group of experts who were present, and the CEPO.

The tool is divided into five parts:

  1. The decision algorithms;
  2. The main recommendations by topic;
  3. A summary of the main evidence and of the points of discussion;
  4. The main chemotherapy protocols used to treat lung cancer;
  5. The references supporting these recommendations.

There are clickable links throughout the document that serve as bridges between all the sections. Therefore, from a given topic in an algorithm, the user can quickly navigate to the recommendations and underlying evidence.

This document is intended as a tool for fostering clinical excellence and efficient resource utilization in the health and social services sector, and for facilitating clinical decision-making across the province.


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