Reconciling the care environment and the living environment in long-term care facilities

09-22-2020 | Personnes âgées

Notice Santécom: 127487

In 2015, the Health and Social Services Commission on Living Conditions in Long-term Care Facilities (CHSLDs) called attention to the tension that exists between the care environment and living environment in long-term care facilities and recommended the deployment of care initiatives that would promote a better balance between these two environments.

Subsequently, MSSS asked INESSS to shed light on potential ways of promoting a balance between the care environment and the living environment in CHSLDs.

This report identifies four main groups of tensions encountered in the search for a balance between the care environment and the living environment in long-term care facilities. Numerous factors associated with these four groups of tensions are described, and 15 potential ways of reconciling the two environments are discussed. As well, strategies pertaining to evaluation processes are proposed to foster this reconciliation.


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