Rectal cancer investigation, treatment and follow-up algorithm

05-30-2016 | Cancérologie

This tool is an update of the September 2013 version of the rectal cancer investigation, treatment and follow-up algorithm. It is in keeping with a clinical relevance approach and serves to guide the management of colon cancer patients, reflecting both the best available evidence and current clinical practice in Québec (expert consensus). This interactive document is a partnership between the GEOQ, the DGC and the Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS).

The document is divided into three main parts: decision algorithms, followed by recommendations, which are presented by topic, and, lastly, a more detailed summary of the main evidence (available as at March 2016) and of the points of discussion that led to the consensus supporting the algorithms and the recommendations.

There are clickable links throughout the document that serve as bridges between all the sections. Therefore, from a given topic in an algorithm, the user can navigate quickly to the recommendations and supporting evidence.


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