Institutional collaborators

The Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) is a governmental agency established in 2011 following the adoption of the Act respecting the Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux. It succeeded the Conseil du médicament and the Agence d’évaluation des technologies et des modes d’intervention en santé (AETMIS), and promotes clinical excellence and the efficient use of resources in the health and social services sector.

Its mandate is to:

  • Evaluate the clinical advantages and the costs of technology, medications and health care and social service interventions;
  • Develop recommendations and guides intended for optimal use of technologies, medications and interventions; and updating, publishing and promoting their implementation;
  • Promote and support the development of scientific evaluation in regard to technology, medications and health care and social service interventions; 
  • Formulate recommendations to the Minister as part of the updating of the List of Medications.

To accomplish its mission, INESSS must mobilise the health and social service network players as well as the scientific community. Collaboration and partnership are essential on one part, to ensure that the recommendations by INESSS are fair and reasonable and, on the other part, for its knowledge products to be broadcast as widely as possible. INESSS cooperates with, among others, the Health and social service Intervention and Technology Assessment Units in university establishments.

INESSS partners are invited to get involved in the whole process of evaluation of technology, medications and health and social service interventions. Furthermore, they are integrated in different task forces and governance of INESSS and they cooperate in the operation and direction of INESSS’s works.

Also, in order to fully take advantage of knowledge and expertise, INESSS intends to adapt its work organisation and set dynamic collaboration mechanisms, bringing together a diversity of expert knowledge, first in Quebec, then across Canada and abroad. 

Do you wish to participate in our works? Look for our calls for nominations in our different committees and scientific councils on our website.

Do you wish to file a project request or a collaboration? You may do so now directly on our website.

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